BOSCH 0 986 BB4 086

Brake Disc

Name: Brake Disc
Brand: BOSCH
Part number: 0 986 BB4 086
Part number: BOSCH 0986BB4086
EAN:31 65143 94357 1
TN:DF 4086
For this product is not found offers for sale.
Brand Part number Name
MG Rover Group
M13080 Brake Disc
77 01 204 286
77 01 204 286 Brake Disc
RCDI 0234 0
RCDI 0234 0 Brake Disc

No information about the automobiles that use this spare part.
Name Value
Diameter [mm] 238
Brake Disc Thickness [mm] 20
Minimum thickness [mm] 18
Wheel Hub Diameter [mm] 61
Number of Holes 4
Brake Disc Type Internally Vented
EAN:31 65143 94357 1
TN:DF 4086