BOSCH 0 986 BB4 074

Brake Disc

Name: Brake Disc
Brand: BOSCH
Part number: 0 986 BB4 074
Part number: BOSCH 0986BB4074
EAN:31 65143 95294 8
TN:DF 4074
For this product is not found offers for sale.
Brand Part number Name
2101 350 1070
2101 350 1070 Brake Disc
310- 3002
310- 3002 Brake Disc
RPDI 0114 0
RPDI 0114 0 Brake Disc

No information about the automobiles that use this spare part.
Name Value
Diameter [mm] 250
Brake Disc Thickness [mm] 10
Minimum thickness [mm] 9,2
Wheel Hub Diameter [mm] 68
Number of Holes 4
EAN:31 65143 95294 8
TN:DF 4074