MASTER-SPORT 13-0460-2877-2-SET-MS

Brake Pad Set, disc brake

Name: Brake Pad Set, disc brake
Part number: 13-0460-2877-2-SET-MS
Part number: MASTER-SPORT 13046028772SETMS
For this product is not found offers for sale.
Brand Part number Name
6Q0 698 451 B
6Q0 698 451 B 1 set: brake pads with wear indicator for disc brake
6Q0 698 451
6Q0 698 451 1 set: brake pads with wear indicator for disc brake

Model Eng. cap. Cyl/Val Power Cyl/Val Fuel ProducedPr.
     SEAT CORDOBA Saloon (6L2)
2.0 1984Petrol 4 / 2 85 / 115 Petrol 2002 - 2009

Name Value
Fitting Position Rear Axle