MAXTECH 871084.6880

Brake Disc

Name: Brake Disc
Part number: 871084.6880
Part number: MAXTECH 8710846880
For this product is not found offers for sale.
Brand Part number Name
1K0 615 301 T
1K0 615 301 T brake disc (vented)
JZW 615 301 J
JZW 615 301 J brake disk (vented) 'eco'

Model Eng. cap. Cyl/Val Power Cyl/Val Fuel ProducedPr.
     VW VENTO III (1K2)
2.5 FSI 2480Petrol 5 / 4 125 / 170 Petrol 2008 - 2010

Name Value
Fitting Position Front Axle
Brake Disc Type Vented
Diameter [mm] 288
Minimum thickness [mm] 22
No. of holes 2 9
Bolt Hole Circle Ø [mm] 112
Inner diameter [mm] 144
Height [mm] 49,9
Brake Disc Thickness [mm] 25
Number of Holes 5
Centering Diameter [mm] 65
MAPP code available
Bore Ø [mm] 15,3