MAXTECH 881411.6980

Brake Disc

Name: Brake Disc
Part number: 881411.6980
Part number: MAXTECH 8814116980
For this product is not found offers for sale.
Brand Part number Name
MG Rover Group
GBD 90841
GBD 90841 Brake Disc
MG Rover Group
SDB 1005 00
SDB 1005 00 Brake Disc

No information about the automobiles that use this spare part.
Name Value
Bolt Hole Circle Ø [mm] 100
Inner diameter [mm] 141
Height [mm] 44,5
Brake Disc Thickness [mm] 13
Number of Holes 4
Fitting Position Front Axle
Centering Diameter [mm] 64,2
Brake Disc Type Solid
Diameter [mm] 262
Minimum thickness [mm] 11
MAPP code available
Bore Ø [mm] 13