E.T.F. 19-5623

Brake Disc

Name: Brake Disc
Brand: E.T.F.
Part number: 19-5623
Part number: E.T.F. 195623
For this product is not found offers for sale.
Brand Part number Name
18152047142 Brake Disc
3C0 615 301 C
3C0 615 301 C brake disc (vented)

No information about the automobiles that use this spare part.
Name Value
Brake Disc Type Vented
for article number 19-5623
Number of Holes 5
Brake Disc Thickness [mm] 32,6
Minimum thickness [mm] 28,5
Diameter [mm] 340
Centering Diameter [mm] 75,7
Height [mm] 55,6
Fitting Position Front Axle