Brake Disc

Name: Brake Disc
Part number: V908
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Brand Part number Name
944 351 041 05
944 351 041 05 Brake disc

Model Eng. cap. Cyl/Val Power Cyl/Val Fuel ProducedPr.
     PORSCHE 944
2.5 2479Petrol 4 / 2 110 / 150 Petrol 1985 - 1987
2.5 2479Petrol 4 / 2 118 / 160 Petrol 1987 - 1990
2.5 S 2479Petrol 4 / 4 140 / 190 Petrol 1986 - 1988
2.7 2681Petrol 4 / 2 121 / 165 Petrol 1988 - 1989

Name Value
Fitting Position Front Axle
Brake Disc Type Vented
Diameter [mm] 282,5
Brake Disc Thickness [mm] 20,5
Minimum thickness [mm] 19
Height [mm] 74,2
Centering Diameter [mm] 103
No. of holes 1 5
No. of holes 2 4